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Old 19-Jun-2006, 11:50
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by TP
Yeah because everyone is capable of bringing their bike into their house aren't they ...

Anyone who lives in a flat that isn't on the ground floor clearly is not entitled to own a bike ...

Not sure who said that, but it certainly was not me. However when I recently bought my house down here, one of the criteria was that I was able to get the bike in, but hey that’s me.

To suggest a bike thief would be able to brake into my house, disable the house alarm, find the bike and the keys from where they are hidden, disable the bike alarm, disable the steering lock & immobiliser, get past the locks and chains etc and successfully do all the above without me hearing, the dog ripping them to bits or a neighbor noticing is totally ridic.

We all know thief’s are opportunists, if you choose to leave a high performance / desirable car on an open drive and leave your keys lying around in the house, you are giving any potential car thief a clear opportunity and my point is, is that you are more likely to get it nicked then someone who goes about it differently. I have never said you deserve it, what I did say it don't expect me to synthesize with this apparent fully-comp complacent mentality.