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Old 10-Sep-2005, 08:46
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DSC Member Jools Jools is offline
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Yep, I'm glad you're keeping it Graham, 'cos I knew that your heart wasn't in the sale.

I actually feel extra sorry for the bloke who was buying it....'cos it was ME folks, and I wouldn't mind a shoulder to sob on...c'mon....where's the unlucky Jools posts

Still, I only told a few people that I was buying it, and even then I asked them to keep it to themselves until the deal was actually done and dusted because I sort of knew that it wasn't going to be! I actually told the lads that I would be very surprised if you went through with it.

In truth, even I didn't want you to sell it, as Ali said the bike has found it's home, I know how much work you put into it and I know what it meant to you. So, no hard feelings, but you owe me a few beers ya bugga!

So now, here I am with a few bob in my pocket and the only problem I have is what bike to get with it....ho, hum...not a bad problem to have is it?

PS: That's not a cue for everyone with a bike for sale to U2U me, unless you're a bloke called Graham from Dereham who's got a very tidy 888 dripping with trick bits for sale

[Edited on 10-9-2005 by Jools]