Thread: Feeling grumpy!
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Old 22-Dec-2009, 12:24
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Originally Posted by Annette
We sometimes don't get mail from one month to the next. There's one post girl, on a motorbike, and when she's on holiday or sick, that that. Niente! On a good week we probably only see her twice. Parcels and recorded deliveries just get left on the road. It's taking a while for Italy to loose it's Marxism. People vie for government jobs because they only go to work for half a day, but they don't have to do anything when they get there. You can't sack a government employee, and you can't replace a sick one. Their work just waits for their return. Meanwhile, their Marxist bosses rationalize that they deserve the best of everything because they are governing for the people. And the big cheese gets everything because he owns the Italian media, lock, stock and barrel! We'll probably get this years Christmas cards just in time for next Christmas. So, things in Sevenoaks could be worse Chris. Happy Christmas all x

Have you got room for 1 more!!