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Old 17-Mar-2013, 19:04
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DSC Region Organiser skidlids skidlids is offline
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Originally Posted by Otei
Many people have accused Guy Martin of focusing on too many things outside of his racing, to the point that it affects his results.

I'm not a subscriber to this theory..but were it ever to be proved accurate, you might end up as DD champ if you just left everyone to sort out their shizzle and concentrated on riding!!

Seriously though, Kev...great effort and long may you be at the centre of all that is good about DD

Funnily enough Tim after I stepped down from the Race Committee part way through last year and focused on myself, my riding and bike setup did improve as I stopped worrying about everything else around DD and focused on my own bike.
I would rather not get dragged in to Scrutineering for a couple of hours when its really busy, but when you get a call a couple of days before saying that there would only be one scrutineer and could I help out, its hard to say NO.
Like wise the upcoming Oulton meeting, I was asked at Snetterton if I could help out there, as again only one scrutineer is available for Friday Lunchtime. Now how do I fit that in with morning practice and afternoon timed qualifying.

At Snetterton we had 5 Scrutineers doing the bikes over a 2 hour period, so basically 10 man hours to get through around 150 bikes, so Oulton should be fun if you allow an average of 4 minutes a bike plus riding gear on top of that

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