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Old 13-Aug-2009, 00:19
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return of a bad penny...?

Originally Posted by Jools
Now I'm back, so, to respond from my own perspective...

I'm always disappointed when somebody decides that they no longer get want they want from the club and decide not to renew their membership. It means that the club is getting it wrong for those people and that is a shame. We all put a lot of effort on the MT side into trying to provide stuff that the members will enjoy, and it takes hours of voluntary work to do that. I'm not moaning about that, I knew that when I stood up and agreed to do it, but it is a shame when people decide that our best efforts are not enough for them.

Have to say that as someone who is no longer a member of the DSC I am not sure that I agree with what you are saying there Jools…nothing to do with efforts not being enough, - no need to take it personally.

I have always had the view that membership of a Club is a 2 way street, - for a Club to survive it requires input from its members, - I did not renew because I do not have the time at the moment to put anything in, - or in truth take anything out. That and I don’t own a Ducati right now, although I know that is not a requirement for membership, - more that it limits what you can get from a Ducati owners Club! ;-) Just down to my GS1200, and NO, - I do not belong to any BMW club!

Sure I was somewhat worn out from the years of negativity when my renewal came up but I think the DSC is still a great Club and all of those still involved should be proud of their membership IMO. That and the new breed of MT members IMO don’t need the old guard looking over shoulders or telling them how to do things. The DSC needs to continue to evolve and change with the times.

I know Murray who started this thread gives up a lot of his time to a community best project for the benefit of kids (as I do) and things like this limit what else you can be part of, - not trying to give reasons for why he is no longer a member as it is not my place to do so and he has given his own justification, - just that he should be recognized for all that he does and the time he gives up for the benefit of others, - my son included!

It was good to see a “we would like you back” letter through the door the other week, - good idea MT. Maybe I will get the cheque out to somebody’s doormat!!

Hope everybody is well. Stay safe guys,
