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Old 14-Nov-2007, 12:39
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Originally Posted by antonye
Note the "allegedly" in there, let alone "attempted"!

"attempted" requires a definition; thought about it but didn't? Wrote a cheque but ripped it up? Put some money into a box at a mosque?

The whole "terror manuals" thing is bullshit. She had the owner's manual for a Dragunov sniper rifle on her computer; the owner's manual for a rifle which is widely available in most countries and it not technically illegal in this country either if you hold the correct licence. FFS, I've got pictures of me on my website firing that very same rifle (and scoring 45/50 at 250m!) so does that make me a terrorist as well? Surely that's worse than owning the user manual?

In this case, and it opens a whole can of worms, I think that the police backed up the terrorism charges with some very weak circumstantial evidence to paint a very bad view of a very naiive person; god help us if they ever checked out most people on this board!

Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

If this person did happen to be involved in atrocity in the near future and it came out that the authorities had known about her and done nothing for lack of evidence, they would have been wrong then as well...