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Old 22-Mar-2006, 13:52
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DSC Member antonye antonye is offline
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I appreciate that, but if you also pick a month at random from last year (say July 2005) when there should in theory be LOADS of entries from DSC'ers attending TD's all over the place...there are only three members that have entered anything...only three doing TD's in July??

...and if you check in the forum you'll find the same thing!

I really don't care if people use the calendar or not. It's a tool that suits the job better than posting to the forum, but, as they say, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink" !

The problem is apathy of the members to actually post, and I'm sure that doesn't matter whether it's the board or the calendar site.

But then what do I know!

[Edited on 22-3-2006 by antonye]