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Guidelines for pictures in the Gallery

Pictures must be less than 200 Kbytes in size and be a maximum of 1280 x 960 pixels dimensions.

If you exceed these limitations, it's possible that you may see an error screen. Can you check your picture size (right click on the image file, choose Properties and look at the Summary tab to see the sizes) ?

Two useful tools have been mentioned by members; Image Resizer is a part of the XP power toys suite and is good in that it is enable by right clicking a file from within explorer - or the desktop:

Image Resizer

Irfanview is a small application to help with resizing:


How to create a new gallery
  1. Click “Manage My Gallery”
  2. In the required box “Title” enter the gallery name
  3. Two additional fields are available and optional

At this point you can click “Submit” and edit/add images at another time.

How to add images to an existing gallery
  1. Click “My Gallery Hall” and a list of all your existing galleries is displayed
  2. Click on the gallery name that you wish to add an image to
  3. Under the gallery menu bar, click on the “edit” option
  4. Click the “Browse” button and selecting a valid image from your PC
  5. Enter a short description of the photo (up to 256 characters)

NOTE: The image upload will fail if the image is too large. This means that you MAY be required to resize your images before uploading. You can continue to upload images by clicking the “Submit Upload More” button and repeating the Browse/Submit cycle. When finished uploading the last image, click the “Submit Done” button.

How to delete images from an existing gallery
  1. Click “My Gallery Hall” and a list of all your existing galleries is displayed
  2. Click on the gallery name that you wish to add an image to
  3. Under the Gallery menu bar, click on the “edit” option
  4. Select the image/images you wish to delete in this selected gallery, by clicking the “Delete” box
  5. Click “Submit Done” and the deletion is complete

How to delete a complete gallery
  1. Click “My Gallery Hall” and a list of all your existing galleries is displayed
  2. Click on the gallery name that you wish to Delete
  3. Under the gallery meun bar, click on the “delete” option
  4. You are asked to confirm the deletion, and the gallery is then deleted

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