instruments/lights cut out then complete shut down Many gnash - after 9 months of the bike behaving perfectly it decided to cut out completely the other day. First warning was the instruments & lights cutting out under hard acceleration (but all coming back on as soon as i hit pass switch) - gentle riding then didn't indicate any issues but then it completely cut out - full electrical failure. The reason was obvious - the negative cable had simply sheared right off where the metal tang bends through 90 degrees. Simple to solve - bend remaining metal and drill hole, reattatch to battery. Ought to be good. Nope - as soon as ignition turns on then the instruments fuse blows and there's no power at all. I'm praying it's something like the instruments relay and i'll try it again with the display unplugged, but concerned that it's shorted out within the display unit itself. Anyone experienced anything similar? I'm sure it's all earthed okay and i replaced the reg with an electrex item just over a year ago. Cheers! |