Ducati Sporting Club UK
Forum Rules
Unregistered, You must accept the Forum Rules below to be able to use some forum functions.
Welcome to the Ducati Sporting Club Website Forum Rules
Published 18th Oct 2008

If this screen appears when you log in, please read the conditions and acknowledge your acceptance of them by clicking in the checkbox at the end of the page and then the button next to it.
This forum is provided for the use of DSC club members and other motorcycle enthusiasts, to discuss, debate and share any information relevant to the Ducati marque. It is also a resource for technical queries and a place to form friendships and networks with like minded people.

You can browse this board as a guest, without registering as a user, but you will only be able to read messages in public areas of the forum – you will not be able to post. If you like what you see and want to join in the discussions, you will need to register for forum membership, which costs nothing.

When you register for forum membership, you will be able to start your own threads and post replies to messages, including the ability to post private adverts. Please note that registration to the DSC forum does not constitute fully paid-up membership of the DSC so you will not be able to access members only areas of the forum or be a part of other club deliverables, such as member discounts.

If you want to subscribe as a full club member, application forms are available through the membership link. Full club members may be identified by the Red Ducati logo roundel beside their names at the top of any post.

When you register for the forum, you agree to the following rules, terms and conditions:

Glossary of Terms:
"The Club" - the Ducati Sporting Club
"MT" - the Management Team of the Club
"Staff" - members of the MT or Webteam of the Club
“DSC Club member” – Fully paid up member of the DSC
“Registered Forum User” – A registered forum user who is not a fully paid up club member
“Guest User” – A user who is not registered (this term also applies to club members and forum members who access the board without logging in)

1. Respect for other forum users:

All forum users must address fellow members and guests with the utmost respect at all times.
If you do not agree with a fellow member, be courteous in your response. Please refer to the following rules as expectations of your behaviour.

1.1 No "Flaming": Please do not post any messages that harass, insult, belittle, threaten or berate any other member or guest.

1.2 No "Trolling": Trolling is defined as starting threads or making posts which seem to have the intention of causing disruption.

1.3 No "Offensive" Posts, Links or Images:Messages, links or images that are obscene, vulgar, hateful, threatening, or aimed at incitement in any form will not be tolerated. Likewise, any negative or discriminatory remarks based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability or political affiliations are not allowed. Any posts that are in violation of any local or international laws are not allowed. This includes links in signatures, profiles, bookmarks as well as posted images, photos and avatars (small images, displayed as part of a users profile).

1.4 No gratuitous swearing: Because this forum is viewed by Ducati enthusiasts of various ages, all posts must be suitable for viewing by minors. All swearing must be completely covered with asterisks or completely substituted with "@%$#"symbols. Better yet, leave it out. If what you have to say wouldn't be suited for pre-watershed network TV, please don't post it here.

1.5 Use Courtesy via PM & IM: Please use courtesy when using the E-Mail, ICQ, or IM (Instant Messaging) functions of the board. All of the above rules apply equally to private messages sent using the forum functions.

Because of the limitations of text based communication, the expression of intent can be tricky. One of the most common triggers of rule violations is the misinterpretation of intent behind a post. Use appropriate language and smilies to try and convey your ‘tone of voice’ or tongue-in-cheek remarks. Remember that one man’s banter is another man’s insult so if you do cause unintended offence, a further post clarifying your meaning or offering an
apology never hurts.

Please use your own common sense and judgement in deciding what is suitable to post and above all treat everyone on the board with respect.

2. General Forum Usage:

2.1 Respect for others: Please do not post remarks that could bring the Ducati brand into disrepute. Similarly, please do not post derogatory remarks about any other Ducati based forums and clubs.

2.2 "Spamming": Please do not cross-post the same message in multiple forums, or use the board messaging functionality to create mass mailings to other users. This just irritates other users and increases the cost of running the forum.

2.3 Commercial “Spamming”: Free of charge Classifieds Forums are provided for personal adverts; however the posting of non-solicited commercial advertisements in the forums is not permitted. If you own, operate, or are employed by a motorcycle related business be sure and read the Trade Advertising section below for specific participation guidelines.

2.4 "Bumping": Please do not bump your messages, either in request for help or in response to adverts.

2.5 Self-Promotion: Please do not post any messages anywhere on this site (other than in Trade Adverts) that are primarily for the promotion or advertising of any website, forums, email address, business, activity, or other entities that you have an affiliation with. Full advertising rules are in section 5 below.

2.6 Copyrighted Material:
Please do not upload, attach or post anything to this forum that is copyright or licensed without prior consent of the copyright owner

2.7 Public discussion of DSC club business: DSC club members only- that is those with a current ‘roundel’ shown in their profile - will be able to discuss DSC club business and policy on the forum. Such discussions are encouraged, and are restricted to those forums accessible only by full DSC club members (currently the ‘DSC Topics’ forum).

2.8 ‘Cut and Paste’: Please do not cut and paste other people's discussions or threads from this forum onto other forums or publications. Please respect other user's rights to exercise their own freedom of choice as to whether they want their comments broadcast more widely.

2.9 User Names: You have the ability, as you register, to choose your username. Please ensure that this username does not cause offense or otherwise breach any of the forum rules above.

2.10 Password Protection: Because you are still responsible for the content entered under your account, we strongly recommend that you never give your password to anyone else apart from an Administrator.

2.11 User Profiles: It is a condition of acceptance that the data you give in your user profile is accurate.

2.12 No duplicate accounts: One account per person is the maximum permitted.

3. Moderation Guidelines

This forum’s policy is to allow freedom of ideas and expression, however, there are limits described in the rules above. The following guidelines should be understood so that forum users know how disputes are handled.

3.1 Notification of a breach of Forum rule(s): If you feel that a post is in breach of any forum rules, please click on the red triangle link in the bottom left hand corner of any post, to bring the post to the attention of a forum moderator.

3.2 Moderator Actions: Upon receipt of a complaint a forum moderator will review the reported post for any breach of forum rules. Depending upon the severity of any infringement the moderator may choose to take no action on the complaint or to warn the originator of the reported post against further infringement. In most cases the originator of a reported post will been given a chance to remove or edit any post that has caused offence. If they refuse, the moderator has the discretion to edit or remove the post to bring it into line with forum rules.

3.3 Moderated Accounts: In the case of a post causing more severe offence, or for serial infringements from a single user who has ignored previous warnings, an account may be placed under moderation. In this case, for a set period of time (to be decided by the moderator), any posts made from that users account will not be posted directly on the forum, but will be directed to the moderator for review first. If a user’s account is placed under moderation it does not represent a ban from the forum. The user is still free to post as long as their posts do not cause further breaches of forum rules. Since all moderators are volunteers, there will be an indeterminate delay between a moderated user posting a message, and the moderator authorising it’s placement in the forum.

3.4 Serial Infringements: Users who continue to infringe posting rules whilst their account is under moderation will simply find that the period of moderation is extended, or in extreme cases they may be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forum.

3.5 Temporary and permanent bans: If a user continually abuses the forum rules and their accounts are continually being placed under moderation, they may be given a temporary ban for a fixed period of time, or in more severe cases they may be permanently banned from the forum.

3.6 Disputes with a moderator: If you have a disagreement with a moderator you should PM or email the moderator privately. If the moderator's response is unsatisfactory, email the web team manager. We take all such complaints seriously.

4. General terms and conditions

4.1 Note that it is impossible for the Web team or the owners of this forum to confirm the validity of posts. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented. The posted messages express the views of the author alone, and do not constitute the views of the Club, its Management Team, or its subsidiaries.

4.2 You remain solely responsible for the content of your posted messages. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners of this forum, any related websites to this forum, its Management Team, and its subsidiaries.

4.3 The owners of this forum also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any other related information collected on this service) in the event of a formal complaint or legal action arising from any situation caused by your use of this forum.

5. Advertising Rules

All advertising on the message board will be separated into one of two categories, either private or trade.


5.1 The private area will be open to Club and Forum members to place ‘forsale’ or ‘wanted’ adverts for motorcycles, motorcycle parts or motorcycle clothing. Any other items advertised may be reviewed by the forum moderators and the advertiser may be contacted and asked to either modify or remove the advert.

5.2 Message board users will only be able to post their adverts 7 days after initial registration.

5.3 Frequent use of the private area by an individual will be seen as trade advertising and the advertiser will be invited to place their adverts in the trade section. Frequent use is defined as more than two motorcycles in any 12 month period or more than 12 parts/clothing adverts in any 12 month period. Exceptions to this rule can be made only by authorisation by the Commercial Manager.

5.4 The Webteam and/or Commercial Manager will contact the advertiser if there is reason to doubt the advert details are from a private sale.This may result in adverts being removed from the private area.


5.5 The trade area is available to anyone to place an advert for a motorcycle related product or service. There will be a monthly charge associated with each advert placed, the rate will be set from time to time by the Commercial Manager. Advert space can be booked for future months with the appropriate number of months payment.

5.6 Trade adverts will be entered onto the website by the Commercial Manager on behalf of the advertiser. The title and subject of the advert can be chosen by the advertiser. The limits to the advert are: 1000 words to any text within the advert, one logo and one picture. Any logo and picture required must be provided in JPG format. The logo should not exceed 500 x 100 pixels and any main picture should not exceed 800 x 600 pixels.

5.7 All trade adverts must be emailed to the DSC Commercial Manager and the appropriate payment made before the advert is placed on the website.

5.8 Modifications can be made to any current advert, by emailing the complete replacement advert to the Commercial Manager.

The Club reserves the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread or post for any reason.

Please respect other users and enjoy using our Website.

Ride Safe!
DSC Management Team
 I have read, and agree to abide by the Ducati Sporting Club UK rules.  

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