A reminder that Registration Fees can be paid using PayPal via the DSCs On-Line Shop, which can be found by following the link below
http://www.ducatisportingclub.com/shop/index.php?cat=9 There are two options available, there is an option for those who are already DSC members and another option for those who aren’t yet members so will need to join and also register for Desmo Due.
If paying by Paypal you can email your completed form to
desmodue@ducatisportingclub.com Fees are the same as the previous year
Payment can also be made by sending a cheque to the address on the form.
On the form we have asked what colour stickers you require from a choice of Black, White or Red, the intention is to supply all New entrants with the required stickers prior to the season starting and those already with the series at the first meeting. But please let us know if you need them before then.
You can still use the stickers you had last year, but some of you will be having new paint jobs or changing the bodywork so will require new stickers and those that don’t can hang on to theirs until either they or their friends need them.
For those that raced in 2015 your race numbers are all ready reserved for you in 2016, New entrants will be issued with a choice of number from the RCs list of available numbers
DD 2016 Registration Form
Cost of DD Registration is £20
Please Ensure you send a completed copy of the Registration form to the Desmo Due Race committee
This can be done by emailing it to
desmodue@ducatisportingclub.com or post it to the address on the form.